Friday, November 21, 2008

Denial is crippling American business

Why is my nickname NekkidIguana but my picture is The Raven? The nickname was my CB handle back in the day and that's just who I am, but I just put The Raven up to remind me that complacency is my worst enemy. The Raven is from the Northwest Indians. He's the trickster. He's the transformer. The closest equivalent to him is the Norse god Loki. He reminds me that just about the time I think my life is going well, some catastrophic event happens that changes everything. Catastrophic events bring innovation and change in ways I can't conceive. I'm limited by what I "know" and to be truly innovative, I have to do things that I didn't know I could until I do them.

In 1994, Morris R. Shechtman wrote a book called, "Working Without a Net." The first sentence is the title of this blog post. Fourteen years ago he said that. I was living and working in a fantasy world. I was working on a product that was created a long time ago, thinking that past performance was an indicator of future performance, thinking my job was safe. The shadow banking system is my Raven. What's left of the economy is being destroyed by financial vehicles that don't add any value and now I have to get off my butt and get back to producing goods and services that add value and that people want to buy.

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